Does Car Insurance Cover Scratches and Dents?

As an auto owner, it’s essential to understand what your car insurance covers and what it doesn’t. One of the most common questions that car owners have is whether car insurance covers scratches and dents. In this article, we’ll explore this question and provide you with a comprehensive answer.


When you’re driving on the road, it’s almost impossible to avoid scratches and dents. Whether it’s from a minor accident or a careless driver in a parking lot, these damages can be frustrating and costly to repair. That’s why it’s important to understand whether your car insurance policy covers them.

Understanding Comprehensive and Collision Coverage

To understand whether your car insurance covers scratches and dents, you need to know what kind of coverage you have. The two primary types of coverage are comprehensive and collision coverage.

Comprehensive coverage covers damages to your car that are not the result of a collision. This includes damages from theft, vandalism, fire, or weather-related events such as hail, floods, or falling objects. It does not cover damages from collisions with other vehicles or objects.

Collision coverage, on the other hand, covers damages to your car resulting from collisions with other vehicles or objects, such as walls or trees. This coverage may also include damages resulting from a hit-and-run accident.

Does Car Insurance Cover Scratches and Dents?

Whether car insurance covers scratches and dents depends on the type of coverage you have. Scratches and dents are typically considered cosmetic damages, which are not covered under collision coverage. However, if the scratches and dents were caused by an event covered by comprehensive coverage, such as vandalism or hail damage, then your car insurance policy may cover them.

It’s important to note that car insurance policies vary, and some policies may offer additional coverage for scratches and dents. For example, some policies may offer a separate cosmetic damage coverage that specifically covers minor damages such as scratches and dents. These scratches and dents are very normal, it can easily with a good buffer pads with your buffing machine.

How to File a Claim for Scratches and Dents

If you have comprehensive coverage and your car insurance policy covers scratches and dents, you can file a claim to have the damages repaired. To file a claim, you’ll need to contact your insurance company and provide them with the details of the damages. They may ask you to provide photos of the damages or to bring your car to an approved repair shop for an estimate.

Once your claim is approved, your insurance company will either pay for the damages directly or reimburse you for the cost of repairs. It’s important to note that you’ll typically be responsible for paying your deductible, which is the amount you agreed to pay when you purchased your car insurance policy.


In conclusion, whether car insurance covers scratches and dents depends on the type of coverage you have. While collision coverage typically does not cover cosmetic damages, such as scratches and dents, comprehensive coverage may cover them if they are caused by a covered event. It’s essential to review your car insurance policy and understand what kind of coverage you have and what damages are covered. If you have any questions or concerns, it’s always best to contact your insurance company directly. More information about us please go to our website.